Thursday, August 31, 2006

Three months of parenthood

We're mamma and papa for three months now, can't remember what it was like before Mira :-) Posted by Picasa

thumb sucking is in

 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Back to work..... soon

I've been at home since May, and will go back in a week. I am looking forward to it, though a bit wary about Mira's adjustment to the creche. I'll work 4 days a week, Jeroen's mum will babysit one day and she will go to the creche for3 days. We're doing a dry run next week!
Here are some adorable photos from the last month. She is now more than 3 months old!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Lilse bergen

Mira in de Lilse bergen July 2006

Sanjeev and Anna came to visit during the heatwave in July, on their way to the US where she is going to study.

We spent a day at the lake in the Lilse bergen with them, picknick, swim and sleep.

bathing is so nice

Mira never misses an occasion to be in a good mood when having a bath in a tummy tub, a Dutch invention.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

kersen plukken cherry picking in Hex

We had a lovely day cherry- picking in Limburg, an hour's drive from Antwerp, and came back with 8 kilos of cherries!