Jeroen here, life goes on without too much time to write about it. It is worth sharing some things though, especially Mira's latest development, so let me try.
Now that Mira is 8 months old she loves crawling around. During our three weeks in India crawling was still new and her technique didn't allow her to shuffle off and try and eat plugs, wires, plants or other things. But soon after we got back she started moving around on both knees really fast. We didn't even need to look up the guide "How to make your baby crawl in 6 steps" available on the web :)
We are changing the house around a bit so she can't access too many dangerous things. I really love the way she silently plays and observes all these new objects. Observing is the wrong verb since she will always taste it, chew is and if it is good chew it some more.
I am back at work at Handicap International and we have our New Year's party tonight (even though it's Feb). I like doing communications for an NGO and with some luck we can push some states to ratify an international ban on cluster munitions this year. Israel has recently apologised for having used these weapons in Lebanon, weapons that mainly hit civilians. Peres admitted yesterday to Al Jazeera that it was a mistake to use them. You can help too by signing the petition online. You can check on the website whether you know any of the famous Frenchmen or others who have already signed for a ban on these weapons.
Now that Mira is 8 months old she loves crawling around. During our three weeks in India crawling was still new and her technique didn't allow her to shuffle off and try and eat plugs, wires, plants or other things. But soon after we got back she started moving around on both knees really fast. We didn't even need to look up the guide "How to make your baby crawl in 6 steps" available on the web :)
We are changing the house around a bit so she can't access too many dangerous things. I really love the way she silently plays and observes all these new objects. Observing is the wrong verb since she will always taste it, chew is and if it is good chew it some more.
Meanwhile other battles continue, like the one for our second-hand car, which is under warranty repair at a garage that closed down two weeks ago. He probably closed his business before officially going bankrupt and we will not see much more than the unrepaired car. Lawyers advise me to forget the warranty and the repair costs and to be happy with the vehicle itself. Lawyers giving me lessons in resignation, I like that.
Parul has a new boss who has a Narnia cupboard in his office, but I 'll let her write an update too. I am afraid that will have to wait until our sleeping experiment with Mira is over. We are trying to make her sleep through the night and teach her how to fall asleep on her own in her own bed. We adults can all do it, but it is really hard to teach someone how to do it . Hence the reason for very little blog traffic.
take care and keep commenting, tips are welcome!
1 comment:
Goed dat jullie er nu al mee beginnen Mira alleen te leren slapen. En goed dat jullie beseffen dat dat moeite kost. Ik zie een van mijn vriendinnen hier afzien met haar zoontje van 18 maanden, elke dag minstens een uur naast zijn bed. Blijkbaar is dat hier de gewoonte. Culturele verschillen...
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