Friday, December 08, 2006

diamonds kill in Antwerp

At a dawn raid on Thursday, December 7, the Antwerp police raided the house of Indian diamantaire Nikhil Manilal, who at the time was at home together with his wife Sujata and his father. When confronted with the police detectives he was struck by a heart attack and collapsed. Only when it was apparent that the 46-year old diamantaire had passed away, some ten to 15 minutes later, an ambulance was called.

The version of this news is quite different from the one on the Belgian news, stating that an ambulance was called within one minute of the attack.

The Indian diamond community is outraged and already spoke to the prime minister about the incident.


Anonymous said...

oké, maar is de ene bron betrouwbaarder dan de andere, volgens jou?

Anonymous said...

Wel, ik heb een vriend die rechten gedaan heeft en gewoon zei, even afwachten wat het onderzoek opbrengt. Als ik zelf de onderzoeksrechter geweest zou ik die huiszoeking misschien ook hebben laten doorgaan.

Dus even afwachten :)