Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another rearward facing video

This one slightly more technical... tackles common myths about car seats, plus crash test footage again.
Please pass it on!

Child Car Seat Safety

A somewhat emotional presentation put together by a mum- what's really scary is the crash test footage about half way into the presentation. Can't argue with that- Mira's definitely staying in the rearward facing car seat for a while.

Monday, June 25, 2007


Last weekend we ate with Sarah, Kris and Grace (from Sydney!) at Amadeus, all-you-can-eat ribs.
Yummy food, highly recommended, though its best enjoyed if you skip lunch on the day.
And the potatoes with fat butter are heavenly...
Mira showed her animal instincts and devoured a rib!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

What will happen if you don't vote for the green party this time

This posting is not related to the federal elections of 10/6/2007.
I just like this movie, simple yet to the point. Watch the ice bear...